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Password Security Tips During COVID-19

August 04, 2020

Among the many changes ushered in by the coronavirus pandemic is the shift to remote work, which has brought unprecedented cybersecurity challenges for organizations around the world. Working from home has meant employees need to rethink their work/life balance, while IT professionals have to reconsider how they educate their workers on internet security, secure emails, and more digital privacy factors.

While workplaces generally have regulations in place to keep their employees’ email accounts safe, now that those employees are at home, the same security protocols likely haven’t been upheld, so COVID-19 email security tips can help to fend off any unwanted email intrusions. And when it comes to email security, the password is the first and most important line of defense against cybercriminals.


Choosing a Password H2

Everyone knows it’s important to select a password that isn’t easy to guess; however, making the password complex involves more than picking a hard-to-guess word. While that may stop amateur cybercriminals from accessing your account, more advanced thieves could use automated tools that are able to easily crack the code. One of the primary COVID-19 email security tips is to create a password that involves no identifying information and a full mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters all in an unpredictable pattern.


How to Store Password H2

How that password is stored is another key consideration. While organizations may have some security protocols in place for the office, remote workers may be challenged to remember all of their passwords and could be jotting them down in Word documents or other workforce-management tools, which can create a serious security risk. Instead, a password manager allows for secure password storage that can help keep accounts secure and information protected.


Multi-Factor Authentication H2

Another of the COVID-19 email security tips is to use multi-factor authentication. This provides another layer of protection in addition to the initial password, requiring the user to verify their identity at least twice. While some may see this method as overreaching, it is a significant deterrent for cybercriminals.


Monitor Access Levels H2

Finally, organizations should be intentional about the levels of access employees have. The more people who have access to certain accounts, for instance, the greater the likelihood that those accounts could be compromised. By controlling access and limiting the number of people who are able to login to a certain platform, employers can protect their people and their data

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