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"Are We Going to be Okay?"
Chapter 1. How many of us have asked that question within the last five months? Some of us have been asking this question since the world shut down; some of us for the last three and a half years sin
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Gift card email scams are among the latest trends in cybersecurity threats. Since many Americans avoid using cash, especially nowadays with the threat of COVID-19, more are turning to gift cards as c
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We’ve all seen the headlines the last few years about the dreaded data breaches: From financial institutions that have been hacked, exposing millions of clients’ sensitive information, to cyber elect
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MyReelValues identifies the moralism behind the social evolution of mankind through film. Click here to read more.
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Among the many changes ushered in by the coronavirus pandemic is the shift to remote work, which has brought unprecedented cybersecurity challenges for organizations around the world. Working from hom
READ MOREThe masterful portrayal of Agent 007
My Reel Values looks at James Bond as a symbol of patriotism and national pride. Read more here.
READ MOREExpectation, Forgiveness, and Rebirth in Born on the Fourth of July
The Academy Award winning film by Oliver Stone that shows parallels with the current climate in America and perseverance of an American soldier during the Vietnam War as portrayed by Tom Cruise. Read
READ MOREThe Search For Significance Inside of The Social Network
MyReelValues analyzes the movie, 'The Social Network' and the socially addictive platform known as Facebook. Why have so many people clamored to this site to express themselves? Click here to read mor
READ MOREIntroducing REEL VALUES, A Fresh Look at Film, Television and Emerging Platforms
Black Ops and Espionage, takes an in depth account of the cinema blockbuster, Enemy of the State with Will Smith and Gene Hackman. Learn More.
READ discusses Who is Responsible for The Joker?
The Joker gives us an opportunity to take an introspective look at who ultimately is responsible when society fails an individual.