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3 Reasons Why You Should Use a VPN to Protect Your Privacy Online
June 23, 2021
A smart cybersecurity plan is multifaceted. From using a private email service to a secure password manager, protecting your online activity takes a well-rounded and well-researched strategy. One important piece of that is a VPN.
VPN stands for virtual private network. It’s an essential cybersecurity tool that routes all internet traffic into one highly protected tunnel, masking data on everything from a user’s online habits to their sensitive information. It’s used both by businesses and individuals to offer a needed level of safety and security.
Here are 3 ways a VPN protects you:
1. Cloaks your internet activity: When internet users log onto a public WiFi network, they’re essentially handing over their entire browsing history. A VPN, however, is encrypted, allowing you to log on without being tracked by prying eyes—so you can keep your IP address and internet activity private, as they should be.
2. Masks your sensitive information: If you’re wondering how a VPN protects you, it’s not just your internet history that’s cloaked. Consider all of the data that can pass through just one browsing session: credit card information, passwords, Social Security numbers, etc. With a VPN, all of that stays protected from potential hackers.
A VPN can also help provide anonymity in terms of location. A regular IP address gives away personal data like the user’s physical location. With a VPN, users can reroute their actual location to a spoofed IP address, protecting their personal location and providing an added layer of safety.
3. Protects you from your internet service provider: Even if you’re using a private network, a VPN can be vital for your cybersecurity. Internet service providers have significant leeway when it comes to leveraging your private data—what you browse, where you shop, where you go even. ISPs commonly use that data, anonymize it and sell it to outside sources, who may use it to target you for ads or marketing purposes. A VPN can help users avoid that intrusion. Most people are fairly boxed in when it comes to selecting an ISP but, with a VPN, they get a bit more authority back over who sees their personal data and how it is used.
These are just a few of the many ways how a VPN protects you. While a VPN can be a key tool in your efforts to prioritize cybersecurity, it is important to ensure you’re picking the right service. Similar to the dangers ofa a free email service, a free VPN can pose significant threats to security even though users may think they’re taking steps to protect themselves. Instead, invest in a VPN service that you can be confident has your privacy at the forefront.
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